Moving to shared teaching spaces, or Innovative Learning Environments (ILEs) is one example of where I think we might be expecting too much too quickly. Last month I had the privilege of visiting Waitākiri School in Christchurch and having an incredibly insightful conversation with their principal Neil O'Reilly. Neill's Masters thesis was on the key components required to create effective collaborative teaching and learning environments. It was from our conversation and then taking the time to read his thesis, that the enormity of what we are expecting from our teachers and leaders as we transition to ILEs dawned on me.
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From my classroom to our teaching space - teachers are trained to work with children. This relationship is very different to working with other adults, so the first challenge for teachers moving into a shared teaching space is to learn to work as a teacher with other teachers, and to become comfortable with teaching in front of their peers.
My beliefs to our beliefs - most teachers operate from a very strongly held set of personal beliefs, many of which are formed from their own school experiences. As teachers move into ILEs they need to plan collaboratively and to accept and enact different ways of doing things. I suspect that at times these co-created practices do not align with individual beliefs about what is effective teaching practice. I know from my teaching days how exhausting and soul-destroying I found teaching in a way that did not align with my personal beliefs.
Teacher-directed to self-regulated learning - one of the expected outcomes of moving to an ILE is that the delivery of the curriculum moves from being teacher-directed to one of self-regulated learning. Having multiple adults, and collaborative spaces and structures, enables learners to be more self-regulated, but we must not under-estimate the enormity of the shift we are asking teachers to make in their pedagogical thinking if up until this point the learning in their classroom has been mainly teacher directed.
More structured environments and greater competence and reliance on digital technology - For ILE's to work there is a requirement for effective systems and routines. Neill's research concluded that 'these environments are twice as structured as they were when teachers were teaching in isolation" and that most collaborative teaching spaces use an online platform to manage the complexity. For meany teachers this has meant a significant increase in their digital competence.
I'm not for one moment suggesting that moving to ILEs shouldn't happen. I personally believe that teachers working effectively together achieve far more than teachers working alone. What I am suggesting though is that we need to acknowledge the enormity of the change that is required, and to adjust our expectations accordingly. It is much better to take 3-4 years to completely transition to this new way of teaching than to try to bring about the change in under 12 months and then give up, put the walls back in, and do what we have always done, because it was all too hard. Pat yourself on the back if after 12 months teachers have nailed working together. Don't worry if it takes a couple more years to achieve a self-regulated learning environment. It is far better to take a longer time on the journey than to give up because it is all too hard. And remember to take the parents with you as well.
During the holidays I got chatting to a couple of teachers at the airport. They weren't facing the challenges of transitioning to ILEs. The challenge they were facing was extraordinary numbers of after-school meetings they were expected to attend, in what they saw was a misguided attempt by the management of their school to address student under-achievement. The irony they expressed was that the time they would normally use to plan their teaching was being taken up in meetings passively listening to others telling them how to do their jobs more effectively! They expressed concern that if their students didn't improve then they would be blamed, but their reality was that they now had insufficient time to prepare the learning for their students. What was really sad was that both of these highly experienced teachers were thinking about leaving the profession.
Teacher professional learning and development is critical to improving our schools. Making teachers sit passively in staff meetings being told what to do does not change teacher belief and practice. Teachers need to work through the 'why' of what they are being asked to do. A deep understanding and commitment to the 'why' ensures that a teacher's practice continues to align to their beliefs, which is critical if they are going to be the best teacher they can be.
All of the changes we are currently making across education are important and if done well will result in more students achieving success. My plea is that we implement these changes at a pace and in a way that ensures we arrive at the desired destination with teachers and leaders who are still passionate and energised by what they do. We can do this we just have to be sensible and remember that meaningful change takes time.
I really love this post Carolyn - Some really pertinent points in here, and particularly relevant to our school as we move into our first set of ILEs. I've found this a very grounding post, and couldn't agree more with your concluding thoughts - "My plea is that we implement these changes at a pace and in a way that ensures we arrive at the desired destination with teachers and leaders who are sill passionate and energised by what they do."
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ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing your post Carolyn. This has been a major shift in teaching practice, philosophy and comfort levels. I applaud the development our teachers have worked through in the past 3 years and 1 term. Many issues have arisen, been reflected on and changed. While it has been challenging it has also been rewarding and our teachers would not turn back. I would add to your post that brand new teachers also have to learn to adapt as although they have not taught collaboratively in flexible learning environments their own schooling did not occur in them either so not starting fresh either. A challenge for those teaching teachers :)
ReplyDeleteOn the money Carolyn - thanks for helping to open up the conversation
ReplyDeleteThank you for this. I am on-sharing to my team as there is much we are doing to celebrate. In addition to navigating more profound and productive adult relationships to meet learners needs we can compound the collaborative pressure cooker every time we add (or take away) a new team member- requiring the team to form, storm and norm again before they can perform!
ReplyDeleteYour writing is a wonderful assurance to our educators that yes the journey is hard, but it is worth it AND we will get to where we need to be, together. To fail means we are learning. I also wonder how we can construct a 'meet to create' mentality for our PL so our aspiration can be to work smarter, not harder while also fostering innovation?
An excellent read. MLES ( or whatever they are called - open plans in the 70s) to work require real shared leadership combined with an appropriate student centred philosophy and creative collaborative teachers. If such things are missing then they will suffer the same fate as the earlier open plans.
ReplyDeleteSuperbly and accurately written, a reflection that I totally echo.
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing this post Carolyn. I would endorse Neil's research as well worth taking the time to read! It has some excellent questions in it that are great for getting discussions flowing with middle and senior leaders. At Marshland School, we spent 2 years prototyping and trying out various models of co-teaching and collaboration prior to moving to our new spaces. We continue to find ourselves in a constant state of review about effective collaboration having gone from the power of 2 to the power of 4. (From 200 - 415 students in one year).
ReplyDeleteThe landscape continually shifts!
Teachers who come into FLEs thoroughly familiar with the pedagogies of NZC have less trouble adapting. The biggest challenge is collaborating with other teachers and support staff in a shared space and of course bringing the community along. Effective PLD and time taken to gently move people to the next step is a must.
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